Physical security

Physical security is provided by stationary guard posts, mobile groups, and rapid response teams using modern weapons, vehicles, special means, patrol dogs and engineering solutions.

Facilities protection services offered by KMG-Security LLP mean a comprehensive approach, high quality standards and training of security personnel. All this contribute to the continuity of business processes at the facility, staff and visitors’ life and health protection, safe-keeping and integrity of material assets.

The following activities are conducted before provision of physical security:

  • commission (together with the Client) survey of the facility;
  • analysis of the potential risks and threats;
  • planning of optimal security system based on facility features

KMG-Security LLP provides physical security services for following facilities:

  • oil and gas industry facilities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (safeguarding and protection of  crude hydrocarbon extraction, storage, processing facilities, main pipelines, as well related infrastructure  facilities);
  • institutions, organizations, enterprises, retail and warehouse premises, offices, housing developments, etc.

A distinctive feature of the physical security organization of KMG-Security LLP is the exclusive legislative right to use rifled weapons, which is a deterrent of preventive and PROTECTIVE nature (specified option, at the request of the Customer, can be included in the technical specification to the contract for the provision of security services).

The specific of physical security provided by KMG-Security LLP is exclusive legal right to use rifled gun.

On Client’s request, this option may be included in the technical specifications to the security services agreement.

KMG-Security LLP will ensure adoption of maximum efficient comprehensive decisions on physical security based on characteristics of your facility and will develop individual security conception. 

We were entrusted to ensure their safety

Самрук Казына
"КазМунайГаз" Разведка и Добыча
АО "Интергаз Центральная Азия"
ТОО "Атырауский НПЗ"
ТОО «СП «Казгермунай»
ТОО «Казахстанско-Китайский трубопровод»
ТОО «ҚазМұнайГаз Өнімдері»
ТОО «Урал Ойл энд Газ»
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