Training of employees

«KMG-Security» LLP pays much attention to the personnel management

A variety of tasks performed by employees of the company, require a high level of specialized knowledge and competence and their constant improvement.

Upon successful pass of probationary period every security guard undergoes general and special training, professional suitability and psychological compatibility testing.

 Security guards undergo annual retraining in specified subjects in a specialized training center and develop the necessary skills in the field of physical and firing instruction, and study law, psychology, rules for handling of different types of permitted weapons, stages of first aid, etc.

Everything necessary is provided in the company for career enhancement of the employees and their career growth. Service documentation specifying the procedure for execution of main work on delivery of security services is provided obligatory at all facilities.

Management of the company values ​​its employees and offers excellent working conditions. We provide professional development for each employee, and increase his/her skills and knowledge in the filed of security and safety, therefore if employee fulfills his/her obligations competently, work and career development will be guaranteed for such employee in our organization.

We were entrusted to ensure their safety

Самрук Казына
"КазМунайГаз" Разведка и Добыча
АО "Интергаз Центральная Азия"
ТОО "Атырауский НПЗ"
ТОО «СП «Казгермунай»
ТОО «Казахстанско-Китайский трубопровод»
ТОО «ҚазМұнайГаз Өнімдері»
ТОО «Урал Ойл энд Газ»
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