Personnel policy

HR Policy of the Partnership is aimed at the development of human resources management system with rational planning of selection process and staff training, use of advanced HR technologies and effective motivational mechanisms allowing the Company to provide highly qualified employees capable of providing leadership of the Company in a competitive environment.

The total staffing of the company is about 7,5 thousand employees.

Every day, about 2.2 thousand people are guarding security.

One of the key directions at implementation of Human Resources Policy:

  • Motivation oriented on increasing the efficiency of the personnel activity, its recruitment and retention, creation of decent working conditions, development of personnel remuneration and promotion system , according to the results of work, as well as for the social support of pensioners registered in the Partnership;
  • improving the quality and living standards of the employees, introduction of uniform corporate approaches to the implementation of social policy informing the employees about the list of social services in comparison with the social packages from other organizations, their own initiatives on improvement of social protection of the employees that will allow to form their confidence and justified loyalty to the Company.

According to the accepted regulatory documents currently in the Partnership within the available financial resources and capacities, the following forms of social support to the employees of the production department are appliedа:

  • social benefit (at termination of the employment contract with employee unable to work due to an accident at work, occupational disease, upon termination of the employment contract by agreement of the parties in connection with the retirement);
  • one-time payment due to death of an employee;
  • providing the employees' children under 14 years with New Year gifts;
  • one-time payments due to awarding with the Certificate of Honour and the Letter of Gratitude;
  • cash rewards when summarizing the results of annual competition of professional skill.

Administrative and management employees and production personnel shall be provided with the following types of financial assistance:

  • for rehabilitation due to annual leave;
  • for the birth / adoption;
  • due to death of close relatives;
  • due to death of an employee;
  • reimbursement of expenses for travel, luggage transportation and rent of dwelling (administrative and management staff).

The partnership also pays social benefits for temporary disability due to general disease.

We were entrusted to ensure their safety

Самрук Казына
"КазМунайГаз" Разведка и Добыча
АО "Интергаз Центральная Азия"
ТОО "Атырауский НПЗ"
ТОО «СП «Казгермунай»
ТОО «Казахстанско-Китайский трубопровод»
ТОО «ҚазМұнайГаз Өнімдері»
ТОО «Урал Ойл энд Газ»
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