KMG-Security today

Currently, the group of companies «Semser» is a diversified company whose enterprises provide a wide range of security services for entrepreneurship and individual, legal rights and interests of their clients.

The "National Company" KazMunayGas “JSC is a sole member of Semser.

The main scope of its services «Semser» provides to the organizations involved in exploration, production and transportation of hydrocarbon raw material, as well as storage, processing and sale of petroleum products.

«Semser» works closely with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, state fire services, security agencies and labor protection of its customers.

The company is one of the founders of the Association of security organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and they work together on improvement of the legislation regulating the operation of private security agencies.

The personnel of KMG-Security Group's divisions comprise over 7,500 professional employees. They organize and provide security for over 10,000 km of main pipelines passing through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They also perform security, fire-fighting, rescue and other activities at more than 500 industrial and administrative facilities of various complexity

Subdivisions of the group of companies «Semser» actively improve the management ensuring its quality according to the international standards.

Prospective directions of the company development

1. Entering a qualitatively new level of servicesby improving business processes aimed at:

reduction of threats and risks of criminal, terrorist, technogenic and natural impacts on tangible and intangible assets of customers; minimization of damage from consequences of crisis situations for personnel, production and environment; Reduction of human factor and improving the quality of protection of sites by moving from the irrational use of human resources to unified (automated) engineering systems and complexes;

2. Revision and implementation of modern hr management mechanisms:

creation of an effective system of professional and social development of personnel, effective motivational incentives for employees; introduction of qualification requirements for professional training of security personnel, involvement of specialists with special knowledge and experience in sectors of economy and IT technologies, production cycle; construction of an optimal model of the security organization structure, its functional support;

3. Improvement of safety organization structure directed to:

ensuring the continuity of production by increasing the effectiveness of the safety organization, operational management and control, emergency response to emergency situations of anthropogenic and criminal nature;

4. Improving the image and increasing the trust of company from customers and partners

Continuous improvement of activities, expansion of partnership relations in all spheres of business, maintenance of a positive image on the security market are the hallmark of KMG-Security LLP..

We were entrusted to ensure their safety

Самрук Казына
"КазМунайГаз" Разведка и Добыча
АО "Интергаз Центральная Азия"
ТОО "Атырауский НПЗ"
ТОО «СП «Казгермунай»
ТОО «Казахстанско-Китайский трубопровод»
ТОО «ҚазМұнайГаз Өнімдері»
ТОО «Урал Ойл энд Газ»
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